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Faculty Council The Faculty Council is made up of representatives from each academic department, as well as a representative from the dean’s office, student representatives and a liaison from the board of governance The council brings public attention to issues of concern within the educational community. Individuals within the faculty or department, regardless of status, can contact a council representative to express concern and trust that their names will remain confidential. Concerns are then discussed during monthly meetings with the dean. Likewise, the council also disseminates important information to the college community through various means, such as electronic distribution and town hall meetings. The council also acts as a consultant to the dean and advises him/her on various policy and governance issues. It monitors conditions across the college and campus, and acts as a collective voice on matters that affect the faculty community.
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Faculty Council The Faculty Council is made up of representatives from each academic department, as well as a representative from the dean’s office, student representatives and a liaison from the board of governance The council brings public attention to issues of concern within the educational community. Individuals within the faculty or department, regardless of status, can contact a council representative to express concern and trust that their names will remain confidential. Concerns are then discussed during monthly meetings with the dean. Likewise, the council also disseminates important information to the college community through various means, such as electronic distribution and town hall meetings. The council also acts as a consultant to the dean and advises him/her on various policy and governance issues. It monitors conditions across the college and campus, and acts as a collective voice on matters that affect the faculty community.
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Pro Deo International University
Pro Deo International
scientia potentia est